Thursday, October 27, 2011

Assignment 3-5 - My Revision Plan

1.    reflect on how you wrote your essay and made composition choices

o   How did you decide on the order of paragraphs, your introduction, the evidence you used, the questions you asked, the distinctions you made… or other choices?

My interpretive attempt in writing about Josh Neufeld’s “A.D. New Orleans after the Deluge,” focused on the natural disaster of Hurricane Katrina and the magnitude of shock and unbelievably horrible events that took place afterwards with the victims of this deadly storm.

2.    discuss the feedback you’ve received (mentioning specific things)

My feedback was surprisingly good in being well received.  Ms. Sullivan especially seemed to like the conciseness of my sentence, “In A.D: New Orleans After the Deluge, Neufeld uses astounding shock of the unbelievable events to show the magnitude that Katrina had on New Orleans people."  Ms. Sullivan also felt that I should provide more supportive sentences for greater development on factors such as the color schemes that Neufeld used.

3.    list some directions you want to take in a revision

I would like to take my writing further in development of focusing on the moving visual aesthetic qualities that Neufeld innovatively utilized.

4.    ask questions or state concerns you still have about your essay

My concern is to provide in my next essay adequate information that will be in balance with my personal interpretations and focuses of attention.

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