Sunday, December 11, 2011



Assignment 4-5

The choices I made on Tom Junod’s picture of “The Falling Man” that influenced my strategy was inspirationally based, due to the emotional impact Junod’s writing had on me after reading the article that affected the way I composed contextual connections and emphasis of medium .  This was also especially true, with the factors of my purpose in my writing, which as also heavily influenced by the picture of the unidentified falling man.

My writing strategy in Josh Neufeld’s “A.D. New Orleans After the Deluge,” was brought about from the most poignant visual context of this rather atypical comic book-like writing.  The extent of extremely graphic visuals that depicted human beings in their lowest form of existence was moving.  So moving were the pictorial frames, that they made it easy for me to immediately figure out my purpose of writing and how I was going to compose my context.

My final reflective essay was really the easiest because it really just consisted of a recap of my writing strategies for my two (2) chosen articles, Tom Junod’s “The Falling Man” and Josh Neufeld’s “A.D. New Orleans After the Deluge.”  In reflective retrospect now, I realize that I picked both of these essays because of their both being extremely unique, poignant and most thought-provoking.