Monday, September 26, 2011

The statement of purpose for " Back To The Land "

The statement of purpose:

In “Back to the land”, Kalman encourages city residence to change the way of growing food and eating habits which will help to improve health and develop a better family relationships, which could be achieved by finding the missing part of democracy that has been lost long time ago, the democracy of healthy eating. Kalman uses her experience in visiting organic farms in California and showing how healthy, naturally and tasty the food is from these farms. Also, the placement of the edible schoolyard program in a middle school in Berkeley help Kalman’s readers understand that introducing old habits to kids make them  understand the concept of healthy food ,encourage them to  work with each other,  and be with their family  , which will eventually lead  to a better social environment.

Thesis statement for " Back To The Land "

Thesis statement:

Living  in a fast growing world lead us to tend to bad food habits and weakness the strength of family relationships, therefore, we should shift to a new modified way that consist of the beauty of the past and the need of the present.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Student's Kingdom

The earth is a place of billions of other places on it. each place have it's one goers with its own activities. Students have their place too, and it called The University. Universities is a usual place for students where they can learn, develop their skills and maybe having some fun.

Universities have many parts and the most important part is the university's library. When you first enter the library you will notice that it is a really huge and very quiet place. The color match of the walls, roof, and the floor makes you feel more comfortable, concentrate and quiet. Most of the walls there made from glass so you can see through it and you don't feel that your are separated from the world. There is a huge number of computers connected to the internet to meets your needs if you want to search the internet for some information or online books, and there is a lot of shelves filled with different text books if you need so. Study rooms are provided in the library for a group of people who are studying the same subject.

If you need a higher level of quietness you can try the second and the third floor, there are many study tables with comfortable chairs and of course huge shelves with textbooks. The lighting in the library is really perfect for studying. People who provided the library with lights, made a really good job by providing a perfect lighting color and brightness.   

rhetoric and a process for composing

While reading " rhetoric and a process for composing " part, I've listed many points that i observed and i will talk about three of them.

The first thing that i noticed is that the book is really easy to read. Makes you just go and continue reading without stopping or without facing a difficult word that you need to search it's meaning. Second. as i'm not a big fan of reading, the book internal design and paragraphs ordering is the most important thing to me. The book offers a nice order for the paragraphs as they are side by side with each other. The book is an ocean which it full with pages, words and paragraphs but since it is ordered that way, i feel that it is only a drop of water.

The third thing that i noticed is when you finish reading the book you will get ideas about how to reach to people interests and mind through composing by using rhetoric. knowing what to write and how to write, order the words with connecting them together in an interesting way is the most important thing to write a perfect topic.